Environmental Consultancy

Why CERE for Environmental Consultancy?

CERE has been set up with sustainability as its mission and not profitability. It has a hybrid organizational model that ploughs back the revenue earned from corporate consultancies into the larger cause of saving the planet by cross-subsidizing our educational and rural projects.

What kind of consultancies does CERE offer?

CERE can undertake a wide and comprehensive range of consultancies that will help organizations attain its sustainability goals.

CERE has an enormous amount of experience in undertaking consultancies for governmental sector, corporate sector, institutions, NGOs and even for individuals. The following are some of the consultancies that CERE has previously undertaken:

  • Green Procurement & Supply Chains
  • Carbon Footprint Measuring
  • Carbon Reduction Strategies (to help companies become Carbon Neutral and Carbon Positive)
  • Formulating Environment Policies
  • Undertaking Sustainability Reporting
  • ISO Certification 14064
  • Ideation and Implementation of specific sustainability projects like solar ATM project for banks, solar tree, greening supply chains etc.
  • Designing and implementing CSR for sustainability
  • Facilitation of sustainability through partnerships and technological interventions for eg Green IT solutions, E-waste and recyclers, biogas, rainwater harvesting etc.
  • Employee & Management Training on Sustainability
  • Developing learning materials for training
  • Designing and implementing Environmental campaigns for outreach and educational purposes
  • Organising Events