Art & Craft from Waste

School children in Mumbai are commonly deprived of the artistic experience and the opportunity to express themselves creatively, because of a lack of funds for art-n-craft material. At the same time, Mumbai is producing approximately 7,500 metric tonnes of garbage per day and spending Rs. 1.5 crores for its management. Children are generally unaware that waste materials are often a precious resource that can be reused, rather than merely discarded. Education about waste and its value is therefore very necessary.

This CERE project gets school children in Mumbai to explore and use a range of waste materials within their art-n-craft classes, by developing new and easy-to-adopt ideas and techniques. This will make children aware of the environmental problems caused by garbage and how they can be a part of the solution, by looking at waste as a cheap resource to be used meaningfully. After the project finishes, a Handbook on Art-n-Craft from Waste will be published, to ensure that the work carried out in this project can reach a wider audience of teachers and students throughout Mumbai and India.